Matter, No Matter explores the physical and mineral origins of colour. Each painting is structured by a different mineral pigment which bestows it’s colour, while forms are derived from its cultural associations. Each mineral is connected with beliefs of bringing something into being or contributing to processes of personal or cultural transformation.

Annie Albers Believed the Ancients (2017)
Iron Oxide powder, pigment, oil on canvas
60 in x 52 in

Matter, No Matter (2017)
Marble dust, rock crystal, pigment, oil on canvas
60 in x 52 in

Tek Oracl Improves Relationships (2017)
Pure ground silicon, sand, phosphorescent pigment, graphite, pigment, oil and resin on canvas
60 in x 52 in

Diamond amethyst, pearl lustre, marble dust and pigment suspended in oil
60 in x 52 in

Apparition (2017)
Pewter powder, rock crystal, pigment, oil on canvas
60 in x 52 in